Have a question for Marcy and Zina? Write in and ask. We’ll post frequently asked ones below, answering as best we can.
Which one is Zina and which one is Marcy ?
Marcy is curlyheaded and Zina is straight-haired.
I heard a song of yours in concert and I can’t find it online. Can I email a sheet music/demo request to you directly?
We are doing our best to get more of our music in stores and online via our website. At this time, we cannot customize collections beyond what is currently available.
What if the sheet music in your songbook is not in my appropriate key? Do you provide transpositions?
We love great music directors! And we trust your musical directors to provide you with appropriate keys. Musicnotes.com does do a few transpositions, and many keys for songs can also be found on newmusicaltheatre.com.
What if my friends request copies of the music?
We love it if you have friends that inquire about our music, but we ask that you do not duplicate it or dub it. Please refer people to this website where our music is concerned, and extend the same courtesy to our colleagues. While the lost revenue may seem small, it adds up significantly to writers. Check back to this page for some interesting articles on the subject, coming soon. Thank you for your consideration and understanding.
Can I put a Goldrich & Heisler tune on the CD I’m recording?
If you would like to record a Goldrich and Heisler song, you must receive permission. Please click on the contacts link and request a license from our publisher, Monica Corton, at Next Decade Entertainment.
What if I would like to perform Taylor the Latte Boy in my school recital/cabaret/concert/local bar/live venue of choice?
If you perform one/more/a bunch of our songs live, it would be great if you would email this website so we can track our live performances. Please email [email protected] and tell us all about it!
Help! I need permissions right now to sing your songs in my high school competition!
A blanket permission form is in the works. However, if your competition comes before the date of our info release, we cannot attend to these matters personally.
I wrote a musical and want to send it to you. Will you listen to it?
We support you completely in your writing endeavors. Unfortunately, our schedules don’t allow for us to listen to full demos as we’d like. However, we are periodically hosting listening sessions, workshops and writer’s circles. Please go to our teaching page to see what workshops are being currently offered. We do love to hear what you are doing!
Did you write “Taylor’s Response?”
Are there karaoke or instrumental only versions of your works?
For the most comprehensive information re our catalogue, please contact our publisher, whose information is on our contacts link.
Is there a book of lyrics available?
Coming soon!